Finding a co-op store

Easiest way to locate a Co-op Store is to go to .

Some stores have been photographed and can be seen here.

You can find other potential film and photographic locations by using Locality's advanced search engine. (insert link to Advanced search)

Search by category, style or feature and a specific area or distance from a postcode.

Disclaimer:  All data, imagery, and information is provided without warranty or any representation of accuracy, timeliness or completeness. The content of the information is solely a guideline and is subject to constant change.

CO-OP information

The Co-operative Group deals in food, insurance, funeral care and legal services. You can find more information at

The company is owned by its members and puts principles before profit.  "Championing a better way of doing business for you and your Communities."

If you are filming news gathering or wish to mention the Co-operative Group please contact the Co-op Media Centre by emailing your request to

There are several different types of co-operatives and Locality does not manage access to stores managed by these Co-operatives.

Central Co-Op         Heart of England Co-Op       Southern Co-Op

Conditions / restrictions


The following is prohibited anywhere on Co-op property: 

  • Possession or use of illegal drugs

  • Use of alcohol on site. 

  • Smoking or using a vape.

  • Any real weapon. 


Imagery can only be used for a named project, Co-op does not give permission for photography to be sent to any image libraries.

The Co-op will not entertain any content, promotion or brand that:

  • Could damage the reputation of the Co-op.

  • Involves gambling or illegal betting.

  • Has a distinct political bias or be used for political party propaganda.

  • Involves scenes of an inflammatory nature (racism, violence, inhumanity).

  • Contains explicit nudity, adult only content or scenes of a sexual nature.

  • Contains strong language.


The Cooperative Group must not be identified unless specific permission has been approved by Co-op Media.  

  • No referencing of the Co-op in any manner, verbally or visually is permitted. 

  • No Co-op insignia, colour schemes or logos are to be identifiable on screen 


  • It is expected that all people associated with the production behave in a respectful and kind manner at all times. The store manager has authority to remove crew if health and safety is compromised.

  • Liaison with the public should be by a member of the production crew that has been well briefed on dealing with the public and their rights. 

  • The general public may be politely asked to move out of the way or wait during a ‘take’ but the production has no right to enforce this. 

  • Production is not to capture the image of any member of the public without their consent.

  • Children, young people (under 18) and vulnerable adults cannot give their own consent to photography; the consent of a parent or guardian is required.


The production will be asked to list all items bought into a store. These rules apply:

  • The production must not bring into the store any fresh fruit or vegetables that have been sourced elsewhere. 

  • Co Op staff only to move products and restack shelves.

  • Identifiable logos, brands and colour schemes may be temporarily covered or removed with the store manager's approval, but production will be charged for any damage caused.

  • Crew must never remove or cover emergency exit signage or any safety devices.

Procedure / Steps

If you are filming in a closed store please fill out the enquiry form.

If you are filming in an open store please complete this form.

or email the following details to

Production company : 
Name of project:
Type of shoot : 
Where imagery will be seen : 
Scene description : 
Dates required: 
Preferred access times: 
Areas of store needed : 
How many people on site: 

Additionally the production may need to supply a synopsis of the project and script pages.

It can take several days to process your film or photography request because we need to:

  • Approve the content with the Co-op press office.

  • Check if there are any operational clashes with the regional manager. 

  • Discuss details with the store manager.

After the lovely Locality team has completed these steps they will then:

  • Ask production for evidence of its Public Liability Insurance of at least £5 million UK pounds. 

  • Get production to provide a Health and Safety Risk Assessment to cover the action on site. Locality can supply a template risk assessment if you need one.

  • Draw up a Location Hire Agreement that covers your contractual obligations and details the productions intentions whilst on site. 

  • Send you an invoice. 

Please note that:

  • Payment needs to have cleared Locality’s bank account before access is allowed.

Filming in an open store (less than 10 people)

Filming in a store that is open to the public is considered but only if the crew/cast size amounts to less than 10 people on the shop floor and for up to 90 minutes.

As well having to conform to the conditions of access, there are strict regulations for filming in an open store: 

  • Co-op customers always have priority. 

  • Production must ask permission from any person or staff that is captured on camera. Production to issue its own image release form to be signed by those affected.

  • All equipment must be handheld. No tripods, dollies, lighting stands or cables allowed. The Owner accepts no liability for loss or breakages of equipment brought on to site.

  • No gathering in a way that blocks aisles or emergency exits. 

  • It is strictly forbidden to eat or drink on the store floor.

  • Film crew to oversee their own equipment. The Location accepts no liability for loss or breakages of equipment brought on to site.

Filming in a closed store (more than 10 people)

You will have to use a store when it is closed to customers if: 

  • the personnel needed to film or photograph the scene involves more than 10 people;

  • the production needs  ‘complete control’ of what is in front of the camera 

As well having to conform to the conditions / restrictions the production will need to consider:


  • security personnel must be placed on entrances to ensure no unauthorised access. 

  • All security guards must be SIA registered.

  • Film crew to oversee their own equipment. The Location accepts no liability for loss or breakages of equipment brought on to site.


  • If the store manager agrees to the sockets being a qualified electrician or gaffer must be on site to ensure that the power drawn is not overwhelmed and does not create a power surge/voltage transient. 

  • All electrical equipment must be supplied by a reputable company and have a valid test certificate (e.g. P.A.T Test).

  • Batteries are not allowed to be charged on site.


  • Not all Co-op stores have parking. 

  • The car park may be owned by another company. Co-op and Locality does not accept any liability for fines production personnel may acquire whilst on site.


  • Production to arrange for crew to use toilet and hand washing facilities off site.

  • No eating or drinking is allowed within the store.


  • The production crew must remove entirely from site any waste created. 

  • Spillages will be cleaned by the Co-op staff.


The production is encouraged to sign up to Albert, this is a BAFTA initiative offering online tools, training, events and practical guidance to identify sustainable ways to combat climate change.